I do have some truly wonderful new artist announcements but they unfortunately will have to wait another day or two until I get all of their information together to properly announce our new partners in cute and creepy crime!!!!
I received word that the
SpookyTime Jingles site was 1/2 way done and that the logins are ready (but please do not login yet or you will have to redo it again in a few days). All of the pages are up, although still require tweaking to make it more visually pleasing.
Feel free to email me any concerns or comments @ ambitionsdesign@yahoo.com

We will have your avatars on the HOME page to showcase you and your work... that will come after your first login session. So start to think about what you want your avatars to look like. All must be 150 x 150 (like the above example)to keep a consistant front page.
If you want a custom avatar please contact Annette from Huckleberry Arts @
admin@huckleberryarts.com and she will create one for you at a huge discounted group rate of only $5.00 for STJ artists!! Also, you will need a banner for your page(s). Keep in mind the Holiday themes. Do you want a different banner for each section you sell in or the same for each? Can you use an existing one? Annette is also available to do your personal banners, also at a deep discounted rate for STJ artists. Contact her for further details. I am flexible on banner sizes as it will be your personal page so, have at it!!
If nothing else have her create your avatar for you just so you have it. They look great on blogs and sites and in your signature line of your emails. You will get up to 3 revisions and you can use your own products in the avatar if you like or have Annette do one straight from scratch.
~A fun family project~
Also for those of you who have children in middle school and higher, please consider having your children help you with this. Kids are taught this concept in most schools these days and it is a great way to share with the family. Imagine how exciting it is for your child to see online what you created together!
Onto fees~
To clarify...there is only a ONE time yearly advertising fee due and then $12.00 per month vendor fee (paid via paypal). That is it, Nothing else!!
I think it is fair to say that our yearly non-refundable advertising fee will be $50.00 a year starting in 2009 (due in the first quarter).
Our advertising fee for 2008 will be $25.00 although, I have to admit I wish it were a tad more. Many advertising spots (that are any good) start at $250.00 for a one time ad in a quarterly publication. So you see, the money goes quickly. But as we grow, in popularity- AND WE WILL- we will attract additional holiday artists that can help us continue to advertise in additional art mags.

FYI...I am available to discuss anything via the phone if you prefer that to emailing. Just email me your info and I will contact you that same day (depending on your time zone).

Now, there has been much thought and discussion over our monthly update "date". After much consideration, I would like to have it on the 5th of each month. This allows us enough time to sell and ship during the busier holiday months. However, that being said I know many of you have previous online committments with upload dates within 5 days of our date. I think that with us being a Halloween and Christmas only site that we need to take great care to leave enough time to get in those extra sales and possible orders.

I will take feedback on this for the next few days only and then it will be decided for sure. That would mean a July 5th Debut which is certainly less than ideal as many people will be traveling. My other date of consideration is the 13th. Please let me know what you think about this via email. I am not going to use the polling system as I have 20+ votes on our ad fees and only 14 sellers committed...interesting, that we have other interested parties ;)

Finally, you will see a tab on the website titled "Our kids". This page is an optional and free place for your children to list their sweet and spooky works of art! They will be able to put their name, state/region, age and description of their masterpiece(s). Also, I think it would be wonderful to put the name of their STJ artist parent for all to see! Their cute and creepy creations can be listed for sale or just for viewing. In your description you will put an email address to email for more information on how to purchase your sweetpea's creation(s) or you can add a Paypal button! Children under 18 will be eligible to list up to 2 masterpieces per month.
Of course, this is not about the selling. This is about fostering the arts in our children and I think we would all agree that it is a vital part of their developement and helping our children to be well-rounded, cultured young men and women.

~Stay tuned for more in the coming days~ Oh and we definitely are in for the 2008 Holiday Celebration edition of Somerset Studios publication!!! I signed the contract and it is done!! Also, I ordered our business cards today...Everyone will get a stack when they come in. Marketing, marketing, ah marketing we will go!