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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brilliant Comment !

Just received this message from Brandi of She's off Her Rocker and it really sums it all up for me.

"We can't always express ourselves without offending someone, but we have the right to express ourselves regardless".


yoborobo said...

That Brandi has a way with words! I might add that if you walk into a book store, you are bound to see books that offend, and aren't your cup of tea, but then you just don't pull any off the shelf marked "Dark Humor." :)

Skeleton In My Closet said...

Thanks for all your support guys : )

Geez...Heaven knows I didn't sculpt this to offend anyone's sensibilities but if I stopped to figure out who I might offend with each piece, well, I'd never get anything created.

I once sculpted a possessed nun for a challenge in a (admittedly demented) doll group. She had two faces - a kindly face and a possessed one. Her head spun so you could choose which head to display. She held a ruler and a rosary. I'm sure I offended some Catholics (I, myself, was baptized one) but the piece sold and no one told me I should be ashamed of myself.

There is no indication in my sculpt on how the dog died. It is intact but decomposed. Which stuff does when it dies -in whatever manner.


Tracy M. said...

Too True!

Debby said...

Isn't that the truth! I just found your blog and it is awesome. So many beautiful things to look at.

Theresa said...

That is such a true statement.

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