Doreen Kassel

Uncommon Creatures
We are SO excited to announce our newest artist to join STJ, Doreen Gay-Kassel of Uncommon Creatures! Doreen brings her artistic talent from a background as a children's book illustrator and is an instructor at Art & Soul (Oregon)! She is currently a 2011 Niche Award Finalist and we sure hope she wins! Welcome to STJ, Doreen!
Wendy Leaumont

My BrainChild
A long-time fan of STJ, Wendy has been working in mixed media since 2004. She has been a graphic designer for over 15 years, but sculpting with paper clay and working with the paper arts is the most fun she has had in her art career! Her work has been published in Somerset Studio Gallery and Cloth, Paper, Scissors. Welcome, Wendy!
Michele Lynch

Michele Lynch Art
With a background in painted ceramic jewelry and dinnerware, Michele has been creating something for as long as she can remember. She has explored many types of media over the years, but Mixed media seems to be where her heart belongs. With her art dolls and ornaments, she combines her love of painting, sculpting, and found objects all into one. Michele, welcome to STJ!
Look for their artwork to debut on STJ tonight at midnight!