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Monday, June 14, 2010

The Wonderous Whimsical Works of Julie Haymaker Thompson

This month's guest artist, Julie Haymaker Thompson, is full of imagination and whimsy. Come see her unique take on Halloween and Christmas art. Her "Bee Witching" Halloween pieces show the wit of this talented artist.
Perhaps Christmas is your favorite holiday? Her heavenly angels are sure to bring a smile.
To purchase Julie's wonderful art, please visit the GUEST ARTIST page at Spooky Time Jingles!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Important Update Change for June 13th ~ Please Read

Some of you may have been following the posts on Facebook or at Dani's blog so you're aware of what has transpired this past week. Inspite of these circumstances, the update will still happen on June 13th, however, the time will be scheduled at or about the NOON hour (EST) for this month.

You all know us for our Halloween and Christmas creations each month, however, this month we bring you something extra!
As you browse our pages, you will find some fantastic Americana art this month!!!
Hooray for the Red, White & Blue!!!

Here's a little peek at some of the art you'll find this month.

So put Spookytimejingle.com ~ June 13 at NOON on your "To Do List"

ALSO: For this month, you'll find the pictures of the door prize offerings on Dani's page (Ambitions Design) and you'll still go to the door prize tab to enter your name.

Also, it may take several days for sold pieces to be marked and updated, so please be understanding.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June's Surprise Guest Artist

The art and soul of this artist resides in Arizona. You can learn a lot from this talented illustrator. Who am I?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 Halloween Raffle Tree Winner!

STJ Raffle Tree Winner poster

Congrats to our lucky winners!!
~You will contacted shortly to set up delivery~

Thank you so much to everyone who entered to win. The proceeds from the raffle of this tree help benefit STJ artisans by keeping cost down so artisans can participate in as many STJ events as possible.

I truly appreciate all efforts involved.
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