Please all welcome our newest SpookyTime Jingles artists to join our sweet n' spooky online marketplace!!!
Don't you just love these lil sweetpeas?
Plus her Christmas pieces just melt my heart!

Colleen of Loopy Boopy
Colleen of Loopy Boopy
How could you not want to take each one of these home?
Oh, and wait til you see her elves!!!

Tommy of Haunted Construction Co.
Tommy is brand new to the online community but many of you will recognize his work from my photo props (like below). That's is the guy you have all emailed me about where do I get my haunted houses from? Stay tuned for more ghoulish goodies from Tommy!

Margaret is unveiling her super spooky Halloween goodies on
SpookyTime Jingles this August and I cannot wait to see what she has come up with!

I hope you will all find that each of these gifted artists fills a specific niche in STJ and makes us the well rounded Premier Halloween & Christmas marketplace that we are! I am very happy with our crew and feel I am very close to reaching the vision I have had since day one of this crazy idea.....SpookyTime Jingles.